Tradeshow Index Magazine

Tradeshow Index Magazine

Tradeshow Index Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


The Smell of Book

This project is inspired by the 5000-year Chinese history. This project combines the elements of the library to create a scholarly atmosphere, which has enriched the core of the space. Some special materials have been used to involve multi-level aesthetic experience, which are simple but impressive, so that the minds of visitors can be washed and sorted out here. The natural form, line and format of the book scroll are used as artistic installation, and it is also the main line that runs through the whole sales office. It expresses simplicity, creativity and integrity in design.

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El Lissitzky

The new terminal is designed in Russian constructivist style. The imposing ceiling in the lounge is a representation of the supremacist style of El Lissitzky which he called Proun, "the stage where someone changes from painting to architecture". By adopting the architectural columns in the ceiling design it was possible to divide the lounge into zones. The large mirror wall at the end of the lounge makes the movement become infinite. In reference to painting Victory over the sun.

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Jiangnan Yipin

The concept of academies, art museums, galleries, gardens are integrated, and the integration of Jiangnan culture. It responds to the natural and open-mindedness of modernism with the oriental aesthetics in garden art. In a state of order, texture and perception are very quiet and peaceful, interpret the narrative and situational sense of the space.

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In this cinema, the Oft Interiors team conducted an in-depth discussion on the younger’s consumption and the economy of appearance and brought new business model thinking for the 10-year-old shopping mall. At the beginning of the reconstruction, the design team firstly analyzed and sorted out the geographical location, original building features, consumption format, project positioning, consumer groups, project types and difficulties of reconstruction, and so on, comprehensively deconstructing the cinema.

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Bodu Resort

Bodu Resort project was transformed from the combination of three old buildings. The designers started from respecting the original design concept and allowed the building to hide into nature with an extended posture. In the selection of materials, they used local materials to show the local sense of the architectural space with national colors. The whole building space used teak wood and old elm wood as the main structure, as well as the brick and stone bamboo weaving mechanism commonly used in local villages, to echo the regional culture.

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Fireplace Valley

The best way to appreciate beauty of Guilin is to take a bamboo raft and gently row in the aesthetic, poetic realm. Against the creamy-white marble background at the entrance to the Sales Center, a half-arc, purple landscape marble emulates form of a small boat in a skillful way as if a fishing boat slowly approaches in the misty spray under a peak. The Negotiation Area features sinking couches where customers can sit around. With an atomized fireplace embedded on ground as the center.

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